Therefore, the interest system for deposit reserves should not be abolished. 因此,不应当取消存款准备金付息制度。
Deposit reserves, rediscount and open-market operation are generally known as the three most effective instruments of monetary policy. 存款准备金、再贴现、公开市场业务并称为货币政策的“三大法宝”。
There are widely distribution of alternated rock type gold deposit in the share quartz vein in the north part of Jingdezhen with huge reserves. 景德镇北部剪切石英脉带蚀变岩型金矿分布广泛,资源储量较大。
I.The relevant departments of the People's Bank of China shall further do a good job in the administration of deposit reserves. 中国人民银行有关部门要进一步做好存款准备金管理工作。
China's central bank has faced huge capital inflows for several years and has so far managed to limit the impact on the domestic economy by draining the excess liquidity in the financial system through bonds issues and obliging commercial banks to deposit more money in reserves. 数年来,中国央行一直面临着巨额的资本流入。迄今为止,通过发行债券来分流金融体系内过剩的流动性,并强制各商业银行提高准备金,央行限制了资本流入对国内经济的影响。
The deposit is of large scale of mineralization, but the reserves of gold are small and so is the depth of mining. 该矿床矿化规模巨大,但已发现的金矿储量不大,矿体开采深度也较小。
The holder of a government bond or of a bank deposit created by paper reserves believes that he has a valid claim on a real asset. 政府债券或者银行票据抵押的持有者相信,他对真实资产是有索取权的。
The RMB deposit reserves shall be submitted by the corporate bodies of foreign-funded banks to the local branch offices of the People's Bank of China. 人民币存款准备金由外资银行法人机构交存至所在地人民银行分支机构。
Low interest rates, high deposit/ output ratios and big foreign exchange reserves provide buffers of sorts. 低利率、高“存款/产出比”和巨额外汇储备,为亚洲提供了各种保护。
In view of the experience and lessons on deposit reserves system both at home and abroad, this paper concludes that central bank sets an appropriate interest rates on deposit reserves is conducive to control monetary aggregates and interest rates level. 本文认为从国内外存款准备金制度实施的经验与教训看,对存款准备金支付适当的利息,有利于中央银行的货币与利率调控。
The Study on Development Trend and International Comparison on the System of Deposit Reserves 存款准备金制度国际比较及发展趋势研究
In the geological work of exploration and exploitation of ore deposit, we must know the distribution and variation of ore-body reserves. 在矿床勘探、开采等地质工作中,需要知道矿体矿量的空间分布及其变化,然而,用传统的方法无法完全满足这一要求。
Halloysite is mostly less than 2 μ m. The kaolin ores in Longyan is characteristic of poor Fe, Ti and high-natural whiteness. The kaolin deposit is of high quality and has considerable reserves. 埃洛石粒度多小于2μm.龙岩高岭土矿石具有贫铁、钛和自然白度高的特征,属优质大型高岭土矿。
The super-large ore deposit is several times larger than the large one in reserves and commonly characterized by multiple kinds of minerals and point-type distribution. 超大型矿床的储量若干倍于大型矿床,并常常具有多矿种及点型分布的特点。
Excess liquidity of commercial banks is believed to be attributable to four factors like widening gap of balance between deposit and loans, high level of super reserves, quick growth of money supply and speedy rebound of credit extended by commercial banks. 商业银行的流动性过剩主要存在商业银行存差持续扩大、超额准备金居高不下、货币供应量增长过快和商业银行信贷反弹过快等四大表现。
It is proved that the model has realized ore deposit three dimensional visualization and the calculation of the reserves. It may provide the base for productive management of the mine. 该模型实现了矿床的三维立体可视化和绘制任意方向的品位分布图以及进行储量计算,为矿山生产计算机管理提供依据。
A calculation method of deposit volume and reserves on the calculation of gold-placer reserves 一种计算矿藏体积和储量的方法砂金矿床储量计算中若干问题的探讨
Based on deposit sizes, ore block numbers, ore reserves, ore grades and attribute variables in the state of ore block mining, a computer system for scheduling the long term mining production has been established. 根据矿体的大小、矿块的数目、地质矿量和品位及矿块开采状态特征变量建立了一个编制矿山长期生产计划的计算机系统。
The whole-phase grade has been used to define orebodies of a weathering-crust-type rare-earth deposit and to calculate its reserves. 一直以来,风化壳型稀土矿床均以全相品位来圈定矿体,计算全相储量。
The relation of financial market development and Deposit Reserves System is few concerned by economic circles. 金融市场发展程度与存款准备金制度之间的关系,是经济学界很少关注的问题。
This is means or not that Deposit Reserves, as a traditional monetary policy tools, will gradually withdraw the history stage? 这是否意味着存款准备金这一传统的货币政策工具将逐步退出历史舞台?
The greenstone belt type gold deposit in the North China craton ( NCC), one of the most important deposit types in China, is the major source of gold productions and reserves. 华北克拉通中绿岩带型金矿床是我国最重要的矿床类型之一,也是我国黄金产量和储量的主要来源。
By the geological exploration in a few years, the first polyhalite deposit of China was finally proved, whose K reserves is equal to a kalium chloride deposit in medium scale. 经过几年的地质勘查工作,1991年,终于查明了中国第一座杂卤石矿床,它的含钾量相当于一座中型规模的氯化钾矿床。
The main features of China's gold industry include many types of deposit and few deposits that have reserves of above one hundred t metal, resulting in small and scattered mining enterprises. 我国黄金工业的主要特点是矿床类型多,超百吨金属矿床储量少,矿山企业小而分散。
Emei Pyrophyllite deposit possesses a large amount of reserves with different types of pyrophyllite ore, such as quartz-pyrophyllite, diaspore-pyrophyllite, pyrophyllite and alunite-pyrophyllite etc. 峨嵋叶蜡石矿储量大,矿石类型主要有石英叶蜡石型、硬水铝石叶蜡石型、叶蜡石型、明矾石叶蜡石型等。
The content of this research is the impact that the institutional changes of deposit reserves have on commercial bank liquidity. 本文选择存款准备金制度变化对商业银行流动性的影响效果作为研究对象。
The System Of Deposit Reserves is established under the system of the central bank. 存款准备金制度是在中央银行体制下建立起来的。
The Yangshan gold belt is the largest independent gold deposit with huge proved gold resources/ reserves. 西秦岭阳山金矿是我国已探明资源/储量最大的独立金矿床。
Soon afterwards, the central bank of some countries also makes similar assignment the become perfect The System Of Deposit Reserves. 随后,一些国家的中央银行也做了类似的规定,并发展成为完善的存款准备金制度。
The analysis of money supply shows that the use of credit cards will reduce the amounts of base money including currency, required deposit reserves and extra deposit reserves, and raise the money supplier, which combine to result in the increase of money supply. 对货币供给的分析结果表明,信用卡的使用将减少流通中的现金、法定存款准备金、超额存款准备金等基础货币的数量,增大货币乘数,从而将导致货币供给的增加。